A new place for my sketches. Everyone is here anyway. I'll just keep on doing here what I was doing on LiveJournal.

Lately, I've been busy with my movie characters. They turned out to be more demanding then I thought, when it comes to animation. As you can see, they are not compact. I imagined them made out of cells, so they fall apart a bit every time they move. It turned out that if I want them to move correctly, I have to place every cell in a separate layer. Add a fact that they are actually a ballet dancers, and you have a complication. But it's also a challenge, and I like it.
It really is helpful, when it comes to actual animation. It gives you opportunity to study a movement before you start animating. Such a time saver.

I like to make a plan of animation by drawing a little sketches of a character movement. It looks like a miniature story board:
It really is helpful, when it comes to actual animation. It gives you opportunity to study a movement before you start animating. Such a time saver.
Also, I've been walking around with my sketch pad and painting watercolors. Love it.
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